Sunday, May 18, 2014

Marathon Haul

Oh is this thing still here?  I took off from work at Noon this past Friday, and thought it would be fun to visit a bunch of Goodwill stores in one day.  Although I did not get a ton of clothes, I think I got some great quality pieces that I will use for a long time.  Here we go!  The first one is a Lane Bryant jacket in a houndstooth design (black and brown) with some  beading on the collar.  I doubt it had ever been worn, as the tack on the back vent was still there.  Cost was $7.99.  The shirt underneath is black, 3/4 sleeve, with a really nice neckline.  Cost was $4.49.

Here we have a lovely woven jacket - mostly green, but black and light blue are in the weave as well.  Very much reminded me of Chanel.  Again, this was in pristine shape.  Score! Cost was $7.99.  Underneath the jacket is a Chico's black sleeveless top.  Cost was $4.49.  The super long scarf was a find from many trips ago.  It goes PERFECTLY with the colors in the jacket.  Didn't have anything that went with the piece until I got this jacket, so I am really happy.  I think the scarf was $3 ish? 

 My awful pictures don't do these pieces justice, but the below jacket is simply gorgeous.  It looks like raw silk, in a lovely celery green, with a bronzey (is that a word?) tan floral design.  I already had the silk scarf and shell (that matches perfectly) in my wardrobe.  Jacket was $7.99.
 I nearly flipped my wig when I found this next shirt. When I first saw it, I had my doubts, but when I tried it on, all doubt went away.  The embroidery is so lively and fun.  I already had the tank in my collection.  Shirt was $4.49.

And here's the back.  Love love love!
The shirt was the find in this next photo.  It is Coldwater Creek, in a very nice avocado shade.  I paired the shirt with a Cato jacket I found in a previous expedition, and although you can't tell from my lousy photo, there are greenish flecks on the jacket.  So yay!  Cost of shirt was $4.49

Although not shown, I also purchased a great black maxi skirt ($4.29), and a pair of jeans ($7.49).  I'll save the jeans for a later post that details my jean shopping strategy.  So, for under $60, I purchased 3 jackets, 4 shirts, a pair of jeans and a skirt.  I think I did great!